Lavender Violet Lace


Lavender Violet Lace

$19.95 AUD


Lavender 'Violet Lace' is part of the well known Lavender Lace Collection. These early flowering forms of lavender, include a range of gorgeous flower colours which are at their peak in winter and into early spring. Members of the Lavender Lace Collection have a tight compact habit, with aromatic grey foliage. The flowers are borne on stems that sit proudly above the plant, forming tight domes of bright colour creating an impressive display for any garden or landscape during this dreary time of year. 

All members of the Lace Collection thrive in full sun and in a well drained soil. Apply a general purpose slow release fertiliser after flowering. When pruning any of the varieties, never cut right back to woody bare stems (where there is no foliage). Regular light tip pruning after flowering will encourage a dense bushy habit and new flower growth for the following season.
