Prepare for Spring

Spring is just around the corner and even showing a few early signs! Magnolias are starting to bloom, tulips are poking through the soil and everything is starting to wake up. This is the perfect time to make sure your garden will be absolutely gorgeous this spring.

Keep an eye out because we also have a new shipment of treasures arriving from India soon! We can't wait to unpack the handmade furniture, vintage copper and brass, and other curios!

Tony's Tips

August 2023

It’s almost spring! Blossom season has arrived with Plums, Almonds and Magnolias flowering and roses are shooting away strongly with their early season growth.

Daphnes are flowering well and brown Boronia is about to start. Both of these are highly prized for their perfume but hate wet feet so we plant both up on a mound of compost-improved soil or in pots with a good potting mix.

Planting in August allows plants to be settled when spring knocks at the door so they can take full advantage of the biggest growth flush of the year! Now is the ideal time for planting Leucadendrons, Proteas, Camellias, Citrus, Pansies, winter flowering Lavenders and most native plants.

Things to Do:

  • Cut out any gall lumps in the stems of your citrus to prevent emerging larvae from reinfecting the new spring growth. Put up fresh Citrus Gall Wasp traps to deter new infestations.
  • Treat Bindi Eye in lawns with Buffalo Pro to prevent discomfort this summer.
  • Spray Peaches and Nectarines with Kocide at the pink bud and green bud stages to prevent Curly Leaf disease. This is also a great product for preventing disease on your roses.
  • As new growth emerges, feed roses with a complete fertiliser such as Blooming Roses.
  • Ensure your Blue Hydrangeas will have beautiful bright blue flowers by applying Alum or Blueing fertiliser now.
  • Prune hedges to shape now so that the Spring flush of growth comes in where you want it.
  • In the second half of the month, start feeding your Gardenias with Harry’s Gardenia Food and start pruning cold-sensitive shrubs like Sasanquas, Salvias, Fuchsias, Plumbago and Hibiscus to promote new growth.Plant of the Month

Magnolia Black Tulip

Magnolia Black Tulip

This is the ideal time to choose and plant a deciduous Magnolia. One of our favourites is Magnolia Black Tulip, with its gorgeous deep burgundy flowers. Plant it up on a mound of improved soil and you will be rewarded with a spectacular tall flowering shrub that is ideal for late winter and early spring colour.